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Welcoming Session and Student Services Information Sessions

Welcoming Session and Student Services Information Sessions



Student Engagement Activities Session

Welcoming Session and Student Services Information Sessions

Welcoming Session will introduce the President, Vice President (Academic) and Vice President (Operation and Enterprise) of THEi. 

Student Services Information Sessions will introduce the essential student support services offered by various academic supporting units.


  • 1. Academic Services 
    • Showcase of services provided by the Registry.
    • Walk-through on online systems (i.e. MyPortal).
    • Reminders on Advance Standing, Add/ Drop of module and SSSDP and NMTSS.
  • 2. Student Financial Assistance Schemes, scholarships and SDO services
    • An overview of available financial assistance schemes and scholarships.
    • An overview of the counselling services, career services provided by SDO.
    • An Introduction of the Student Union and the club and society in THEi.
  • 3. Introducing the Centre for Learning Enhancement
    • To introduce new students the facilities and services CLE provides.
    • To highlight English and Chinese language support including workshops, seminars, games and cultural activities.
  • 4. Introducing the Library Services
    • Library service, e.g. Opening Hours, Website, E-Databases, Loan Period, Inter-Library Loan, Computer Equipment.
    • THEi Apps, e.g. The Key Functions.
    • Digital Badges Scheme.
    • Learning Advising Services e.g. Consultation and Learning Advising Activities.


  • 5. Introducing the IT Services
    • To introduce Computer & Network Account (CNA) and Email Service Utilities, MyPortal, IT Helpdesk System, and Print Quota, etc.


  • Department of Sport and Recreation (DSR)
  • Department of Hospitality and Business Management (DHBM)
  • Department of Design and Architecture (DDA)
  • Department of Digital Innovation and Technology (DDIT) 
  • Horticulture, Arboriculture and Landscape Management (HALM) in Department of Construction, Environment and Engineering (DCEE)
  • Department of Food and Health Sciences (DFHS)
  • Department of Construction, Environment and Engineering (DCEE)
Date 20 August 2024 (Tue) 22 August 2024 (Thu)22 August 2024 (Thu)
Time  12:45 pm-3:20 pm 12:45 pm-3:20 pm
Venue Exhibition Hall, THEi
Chai Wan Campus
Lecture Theatre 5, THEi
Tsing Yi Campus


  • The Welcoming Session, Student Services Information Sessions and Department-based Programme Briefing Sessions will be postponed to 23 August 2024 if either of the days have adverse weather condition. If adverse weather affects both days, the Welcoming Session and Student Services Information Sessions will be conducted online.
  • Please refer to Arrangements during Adverse Weather Conditions.